What's Black, White, and Red all over? West Tampa Tobacco and the news.
The start of 2024 is full of news in the cigar world. Two of the most prominent news for members of the cigar community are the announcement of a new executive director of Cigar Rights of America, and the announcement of the dates for the New England Cigar Expo.
Cigar Rights of America, which fights tooth and nail for cigar smokers to enjoy their cigars in peace, has announced a new executive director. Mike Copperman, who previously served as the Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, will be taking the position. Copperman has been with the organization since 2011.
In other news, The New England Cigar Expo, has announced the dates for their 2024 event. The New England Cigar Expo is run by David Garofalo, who is most known for owning 2 Guys Smoke Shop, and The Cigar Authority Podcast. The New England Cigar Expo is Garofalo's answer to larger cigar events and expos such as Big Smoke and Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival for the New England area. The dates for the New England Cigar Expo 2024 will be September 27th and September 28th. More information will be released as we move into 2024, including ticket prices, notable guests, and schedule of events.
Thanks to West Tampa Tobacco Company for sponsoring Great Cigars Cigar News.