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who we are and what we do

Great Cigars is first and foremost a portal for those in the cigar community. Whether it's finding a new cigar to smoke, an event to go to, an accessory to try, and a friend to find, Great Cigars can help. Being a part of the cigar community is one of the best things in this world. When a cigar is lit with great company, all the problems of the world can wait for an hour. The goal of Great Cigars is to give a little extra outreach for the smaller, boutique cigar companies. These small, boutique companies create some amazing cigars, and deserve every chance to be enjoyed.Great Cigars is owned by an active law enforcement officer (LEO). I take Pride in what I do, both as an officer and as a cigar smoker. I started smoking cigars with my dad as soon as I could. Soon after I got a part time job at a local cigar shop, the Wooden Indian Tobacco Shop, and have enjoyed learning from them ever since.

our sponsors

Our sponsors support us, and we support them. Some are cigar related, some are not. Nonetheless, they all do amazing work. 

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